Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pesky Cream Boat: Dreamy...

Pesky Cream Boat: Dreamy...: Pesky Cream Boat is waiting to be YOUR dream boat Photo by Jimi Filo of Jimi Filo Photography

I am Penny's(Pesky) new forster mom.  As you can see I have changed her name because she is anything but Pesky.  She is as sweet as can be.  This is only the second full day that she has been with us.  She is learning how to climb the 5 or 6 steps to my front door and has been very successful at it. She follows me everywhere and is slowly acclimating to all these new things in our house. Oh, and yes like any woman she is a shoe fanatic. So if I only have one of a pair I'll know where to find the other.  Bought her a few chewing things which she uses occassionaly and I did notice that she knows how to "hold" it. She is starting to come to me for her hugs and kisses and she loves to have her chest and belly rubbed.
Tune in later for some more up to date news on Penny.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

All I want is a brand new name...

and a cushy bed. I just can't call this adorable girl Pesky. She's very sweet and gentle hound who could use a name more fitting to her personality. Won't you think about making her dreams come true?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013